For Russia and CIS



AO Energotehnomash (AO “ETM”) is a modern enterprise set up in 1995 on the basis of the production facilities of OAO "Teplopribor Plant of Ulan-Ude", which was founded in 1962 and was the largest USSR manufacturer of control valves, boiler automation and instrumentation used in automated control systems.

Today, AO "ETM" operates on the design and manufacture of equipment for the automated control systems, control and regulation of pressure and vacuum pressure, differential pressure, as well as control valves for automatic heating systems, water supply and other technical systems.


AO "ETM" prioritizes the availability of high-quality products to a wide range of customers, building long-term partnerships and individual approach to each client.

The quality management system is certified for compliance with ISO 9001: 2008 international standard. AO "ETM" is engaged in design and manufacture of equipment for the nuclear industry on the basis of the license No.CO-12-101-1965 dated Jun 12, 2013 issued by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.


Our production units:

Mass production of devices and automation equipment for the heating systems, heat supply and consumption, water supply, process control, as well as the automation elements for boilers and heating plants, the manufacture of components for power engineering industries.



For more than 40 years "Energotehnomash" JSC have been one of the largest (in Russia) and the only one (in Siberia and the Far East) manufacturer of automation systems, heating equipment, heat, heating, water, processes for boilers and heating systems.

AO "Energotehnomash" originated from the Ulan-Ude plant “Teplopribor” that was one of the largest enterprises in the Republic of Buryatia, working in the field of mechanical engineering and metalworking production.

Being a state organization at that time, the Ulan-Ude plant “Teplopribor” was founded in 1964 on the basis of enterprises “Teploavtomatika" and "Buryatkabel", specializing in the production of consumer goods.

From the moment of its establishment, "Teplopribor" factory completely shifts its output from consumer goods to thermal control devices.

Some of the first successful developments of devices for heating systems were: single-pulse control of steam boilers supply (ORP), the differential pressure regulator (DRD), the switch of membrane (SPDM) and bellows (SPDS) pressure drop. Since the start of the production, these devices were reliable, having received high praise from consumers.

In 1966, the team mastered the production of new products: the electromagnetic combination valve (KEK-16), the electromagnetic three-way valve (KET-16), universal automatic regulator (RD-3A), the control valve (RC-1) and the diaphragm actuator (MIM). The plant products were in demand not only in our country but also abroad. In those years, "Teplopribor" production was being imported to 34 countries: electromagnetic valves for compressor units – to the United Arab Republic, signaling pressure drop – to Poland, the swing-regulating valves for gas and other highways – to Bulgaria, and so on.

In the late 60's, the company had been exporting instruments already in 38 states.

At that time, the plant "Teplopribor" had been considered one of the best in Buryatia in the introduction of advanced technology, advanced forms and methods of work. With strong demand for its products, both in domestic and world market, it firmly strengthened its financial position, which enabled it to master the production of a number of new products, to essentially expand its production areas, to purchase the necessary equipment, to create a well-developed infrastructure.

The factory had been developing rapidly in the following years.

By the beginning of perestroika, the production delivery had been being carried out to 64 countries and to 12,000 consumers. As a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the plant survived the hardest times of economic downturn and change of organizational and legal forms, as a result in 2002 the company became known as JSC "Zavod Teplopribor-komplekt."

The revival of the enterprise is associated with the development of new products and receiving orders for power engineering industry.

At the end of 2002, a comprehensive plan of the enterprise modernization was developed and adopted at JSC "Zavod Teplopribor-komplekt".

Since 2003 – 2007, the plant had been consistently carrying out works on replacing obsolete and worn-out equipment with modern that meets the highest international technological standards and making it possible to produce competitive products. Selection and installation of high-tech machines were determined by the most efficient route for movement of parts in future production line. As a result, the level of technology has increased almost three times, and led to improvement in product quality at all levels of the production process.

Introduction of the new high-performance vehicles, machinery, equipment, advanced process flows inevitably led to the requirement of bringing the production qualification of the employees, their technical knowledge and work organization into conformity with this technique, raise it to a new, higher level. For this purpose, the company's personnel were sent to Japan for training and retraining, and for acquiring new skills. All this was the beginning of further achieving the fullest possible use of the existing equipment, expanding production and output volume while saving up to 60%, increasing productivity and reducing costs across the enterprise.

On the whole, in 2003 there were more than 70 activities carried out at the plant, with an aim to further improve the production.

While carrying out scientific researches and developments of devices capable of replacing Danfoss and Samson et al. that were dominant in the market, the personnel had been simultaneously mastering the stock-list for the range of power engineering enterprises, in particular, the manufacturing of components for high-voltage 110 and 220 kW switches.

Complex events held to improve the plant production, introduce new technological processes, and improve the quality allowed determining the prospects for further development of the plant and the acquisition of new trends in various industries. In 2008, securing a foothold in the energy market, the company became known as ZAO "Energotehnomash". In 2016, the company was renamed to AO "Energotehnomash".

In addition to manufacturing devices for heat regulation, the company carries out orders for nuclear power stations of Russia, India and Iran.

Currently, the main directions of the plant activity are full-scale production equipment and automation equipment for the heating systems, heat, water, process control, automation systems for boilers and heating systems, the manufacturing of components for all branches of engineering.

The future of the plant is connected with improvements in the range of production, the development of new products, introduction of modern automated control systems.


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