Main page/Power equipment

OOO Energotehnomash is a company performing works on renovation, maintenance and construction of different facilities of power and pulp and paper industry.

It was established in 1999 and now is a part of the “Energotehnomash” group of companies.



Energotehnomash company package of services includes everything, from performing work on the investment project analysis to putting the installed equipment into operation.

The company's mission is to become a leader in the field of state-of-the-art technologies and customer services to optimize consumption of energy and raw materials. Main customers of the company are the pulp and paper and power industry enterprises. For them, we offer technologies based on obtaining fuel and energy from biomass.

Working experience with top suppliers of equipment for wood processing complex in Russia and Europe enables us to provide services to our Customers to improve the output, production efficiency and reduce the environmental stress.


General list of works and services of OOO Energotehnomash

EPCM services

Main Objectives: services in evaluating options of technologies including audit and feasibility study and expediency; identification of target customers and supplier; comparative analysis of competiveness;...


Manufacturing of equipment and metal structures at the industrial complex...


Equipment supply

Within the framework of carrying out works on the reconstruction, maintenance and construction of different power facilities...

Contact us

General office in Irkutsk Address: Irkutsk, Irkutsk Oblast, Akademicheskaya 36, Unit 1 Postal Code: 664 056 Tel./Fax: (3952) 417-918 Tel.: (3952) 417-942 E-mail: Production in Bratsk...

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