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Main page/Manufacture and supply.../QUALITY CERTIFICATION...


• Certificates of conformity

• Certificate of QMS GOST ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001: 2008)

• License for nuclear power plants


Certificates of conformity

Production of AO "ETM" meets the requirements of GOST and technical regulations of the Customs Union.

QMS Certificate of Conformity with GOST ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001: 2008)

AO "ETM" Quality Management System is certified for compliance with ISO 9001: 2008 international standard.

Every year, the company holds the external QMS audit of the supervisory authority. The company is constantly working on the improvement of the standards developed by the organization. Developed and implemented processes make it possible for the company to operate as a precise and well-orchestrated clockwork, where all are focused on the success of the enterprise.

The license for the nuclear power plant

AO "ETM" operates on the design and manufacture of equipment for the nuclear industry on the basis of the license number of CO-12-101-1965 from 14.06.2016, issued by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.

Since the main priority in the work of the nuclear power plants is the safety of the products applied, AO "ETM" constantly keeps in contact with nuclear operating organizations, to ensure that the supplied products are to continuously meet the new regulations in the nuclear industry.

AO "ETM" production of is being operated at the following nuclear power plants:

• Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant

• Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant

• Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant

• Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant

• KUDAMKULAN Nuclear Power Plant (India)

• BUSHER Nuclear Power Plant (Iran)

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