Main page/Boiler equipment/COMPLETED PROJECTS


2016 boiler KSVm-1.0 MW

Customer: Municipal autonomous extended education institution "DYUSTSH"

Execution period: 2016.

Brief scope of work: Supply of 1.0 MW boiler «KSVm”, preparatory and commissioning work.


2016 A 1,5MW KSVm boiler

Customer:Administration of the Podyelansky municipal settlement

Execution period: 2016.

Brief scope of work:Supply of a boiler with a heating capacity of 1,5MW with machine loading of bark and wood waste and machine ash removal, including supply, installation and comissioning


2013 A 1.5 MW KSV boiler

Customer:Kurumkansky district, Maisky Township.

Execution period: 2013.

Brief scope of work:1.5 MW KSV boiler supply.


2013 A 1.5 MW KSV boiler

Customer: Bratsk branch of OOO "Energotehnomash"

Execution period:2013

Brief scope of work: Supply of a boiler with a heating capacity of 1,5MW with machine loading of bark and wood waste and machine ash removal, including supply, installation and comissioning.


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